Darkest Solstice

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


This first half of my junior year has been well very different. It has went by like a breeze in the wind. I honestly cannot believe that next year, I will be a senior. As I look back at this past semester, this is what I see...

The first day of school, really the first week of school, not honestly the first month of school had went by like an absolute drag. It could not have went by any slower. Honestly it probably could have, but I am psyched it didn't.

The next few months (September- November) nothing really much happened. I turned 17 on October 29. But school, as usually was the same. There is not really much homework though. Most of the work we do is in class. Unless its Mr. Qualls History Class, then you will have homework every single day of your life.

But the realization of this semester happened the first day of December. The teachers had been constantly talking about how there was only three weeks of school left. And that just hit me. Wow, this semester is almost over.

I think my grades could have been better, actually they should have been better. Semester tests will be a breeze like always. Next semester could be nothing like this one. This semester I met well somewhat new teachers. I had classes with people I usually don't.

All I can say is when I look back my junior year, I will have to say it will be a pretty mysteries year, with loads of challenges.

Mr. Proctor

From as far as I can see, Mr. Proctor has a very unrealistic character but yet at the same time he is very cunning, and can get away with almost anything. But yet there is also another side to him that no one sees until the very end.

In the beginning, Mr. Proctor commits adultery with Abigail Williams. He never gets caught, but his wife has suspicions that Ms. Abigail is trying to fancy him and she gets kicked out on the high road, how very ironic.

Somewhere in the story, midway really, Mr. Hale questions Mr. Proctor about his religion. How much of it he uses in the household. Mr. Hale asks him to recite the 10 Commandments. He recites all of them back, but the one of committing adultery. How also very ironic.

His wife gets accused of doing witchcraft. Then the tables turn. He is more than willing to do anything for her, because as he says, she is the most honest woman he knows. She gets taken away.

Last, but hopefully not the least, he goes to court with Mary Warren to try to confess everything she saw and heard was lies. He loses, gets taken to "jail" then ready for hanging.

At the very end, when him and 2 others are getting ready to be hung, he sings a gospel. This should show you,Mr. Proctor is not perfect, but he has a wonderful character.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Crucible

The Crucible is a different kind of story. Some of the difference between some of the females then and now is two out looks.

The females back then were suppose to be very proper and very dedicated to their husbands. They attended to their house work and cooked and cleaned and watched their children. They were also very religious. Church was very important.

The females now a days well most still do but usually all they do now is cook and clean and work. Proper yes, but not like they use to be in the time of the day back then. Church is also important but not as important to society now.

Witchcraft was usually done by females back then not males. Many of the females did do it.

And in The Crucible the young females did do witchcraft. Now from my perspective, no females do witchcraft, well I think.

But the story line I am trying to show is females are totally different then than they are now.