Darkest Solstice

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Night Book Review

The book Night has been one of the most gruesome books I have read in a while. Elie Wiesel is an amazing author and really gets down right to the bare necessities.

This book is about a scholarly, pious teenager who is wracked with guilt at having survived the horrors of the Holocaust and the genocidal campaign that consumed his family.

His memories of the nightmare world of death camps present him with an intolerable question: how can the God he once so fervently believed in have allowed these monstrous events to occur?

There are no easy answers in this harrowing book, only the sad dark truth that leads Eliezer through the dark world of Germany.

But can his guilt and torture be enough to make him help his father while he is screaming his name? Or will he just turn away and act like he never heard a single word so the beating will not come?


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